Architect and
Engineer Litigation

Through extensive litigation on behalf of architects and engineers (and all manner of construction litigation), Noon & Associates attorneys have specialized knowledge particular to the defense of design professionals. The firm actively defends architects and engineers in matters involving design defects in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings, as well as public and private contract disputes.
Our expertise extends to all manner of cases that involve design professionals, including: errors and omissions claims against architects and engineers for improper or inadequate design, delay claims, construction administration, coordination, observation and/or supervision of construction.
Moreover, our attorneys are experienced in preparing and negotiating construction contracts, conflicts involving contractual performance among owners, architects, contractors, subcontractors, financing institutions, and bonding agencies. We have defended geotechnical, mechanical, structural, civil and electrical engineers and geologists locally and regionally, covering the West Coast to Portland and East to Las Vegas/New Mexico.
We are also experienced in counseling clients and insurance carriers in loss prevention claims to prevent litigation and establish superior future practices.